- I'm Libor Zahradka, a front & back-developer.

I’m a developer with 9 years of experience in both front and back-end for web-app development. Colleagues know me as a highly creative developer who can always be trusted to come up with a new approach.

I'm always looking for challanges and trying to challange my self. Building applications has been part of my life I enjoy the most. Love working on sites, mobile apps from start to finish.

What I do


HTML, CSS3, SASS, SCSS, Javascript (ES6), React, Ruby on Rails


Ruby, NodeJS, NoSQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Cron


ReactJS, Electron


Heroku, AWS, Digitalocean


Adobe XD & Photoshop, Sketch, Zeplin

Primo Dashboard

Primo was an AD company focusing on programatically and accurately getting trends all over the internet.

  • Front-End Developer
  • Primo Dashboard

    Primo Add Campaign

    Primo was an AD company focusing on programatically and accurately getting trends all over the internet.

  • Front-End Developer
  • Primo Add

    The Atlantic

    This dashboard was made specificaly for The Atlantic on top of Primo project. It was aminig for better understanding of their Ads on facebook based on A/B testing.

  • Front-End Developer

  • Atlantic

    Bites Dashboard

    Bites was helping publishers to interact with their readers better trough Facebook Messenger. Delivering articles directly to chat and allowing people to interact with publishers directly.

  • Co-Founder, Front & Back-End Developer, Design
  • Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JS
  • Bites Dashboard


    CallHero was trying to help people to reach out to representatives in US with questions and issues they have or wanted to ask about. It was using Messenger and Twilio API where we record messages within the chat and send it to representatives of their district.

  • Co-Founder, Front & Back-End Developer
  • uby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JS
  • CallHero

    Flash League

    Flash League was personal Fantasy League project we created to have a platform on messenger that can connect friends. Be able to select budget, pick a team of real players and pull real-time data to update scores. Also we had a bot connected to comments section, to return score for player. Players were able to bet a wager like food, drinks, etc.

  • Co-Founder, Front & Back-End Developer
  • Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JS
  • Flash League

    Greet Dashboard

    Greet was AI focusing on Facebook and its customers on pages and sorting out questions for its owner and allow him to easily see what people are asking and easily respond to them.

  • Co-Founder, Front & Back-End Developer
  • Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JS

  • Greet

    Greet API

    API platform built for Greet project.

  • Co-Founder, Front & Back-End Developer, Design

  • Greet API

    Open Influence

    Made and designed for Open Influnce on top of Greet platform.

  • Front-End Developer
  • Ruby on Rails, ReactJS, HTML, CSS, JS
  • Open Influence


    Hooch is helping people to explore the world, take in new experiences and taste new things, all the while saving a few bucks and getting rewarded for doing it.

  • Front-End Developer
  • ReactJS, React Native, HTML, CSS, JS
  • Hooch Reward Page

    Hooch Dashboard

    Hooch is helping people to explore the world, take in new experiences and taste new things, all the while saving a few bucks and getting rewarded for doing it.

  • Front-End Developer
  • ReactJS, HTML, CSS, JS

  • Hooch Reward Page


    Web app that specialize for creating custom covers for iPhones.

  • Front & Back-End Developer, Design
  • ReactJS, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, JS
  • Obalynazkazku.cz

    Email: liborzahradka@hotmail.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/libor-zahradka-20818186/